Optimisation of ENPI-float (air cover)


At NPI, we pay a lot of attention to the optimisation of our products. We further developed our ENPI-float (air cover). What changes have we incorporated?

Floating tube

In very windy areas, ENPI-floats in large diameter water tanks sometimes are challenged to stay in place. We have been testing the addition of a floating tube on the outer edges of the cover, to give the cover an increased buoyancy. This floating tube is a perforated tube that fills with water, enhancing the cover’s stability and ensuring that it stays in place even better.

The testing results

We have installed the covers with the tube system on multiple tanks in windy areas. The test results we have received back are very positive. The wind has less grip on the covers, and the covers stay perfectly in place.

All in all, we believe this is a simple but very effective addition to our ENPI floats. Moreover, it is an inexpensive solution and easy to install.

Online client portal

We are working on making this optimisation available for order in our client portal soon. Stay tuned!

Are you interested in our updated ENPI float air covers? Or want to know more? Contact us!
Optimisation of ENPI-float (air cover)
Optimisation of ENPI-float (air cover)
Optimisation of ENPI-float (air cover)
Optimisation of ENPI-float (air cover)
Optimisation of ENPI-float (air cover)
Optimisation of ENPI-float (air cover)