



Sinaedawei 10A
8851 GG Tzummarum
Postbus 554
8800 AN Franeker
[email protected]

  • Head office: Sinaedawei 10A, 8851 GG Tzummarum
  • Warehouse: Swaerderwei 53, 8831 EH Tzummarum
  • Production location: Swaerderwei 71A, 8851 EH Tzummarum

Please note: vitits by appointment only.

VAT: NL005159088B01
Chamber of Commerce: 01030399 (Chamber of Commerce region North, Groningen office)

Opening hours

Monday – Thursday
Office: 08:15 – 17:00
Warehouse: 07:30 – 16:30 (Last loading and unloading time 16:00!)

Office: 08:15 – 15:45
Warehouse: 07:30 – 15:00 (Last loading and unloading time 14:30!)

Closed: Easter Monday, Kings Day, Liberation Day, Ascension Weekend, Whit Monday
Closed for two weeks at Christmas and New Year.

Loading and unloading

Loading and unloading is possible at our location at Sinaedawei 10A or at the warehouses at Swaerderwei 53 and Swaerderwei 71A, depending on the product. Please take account of the opening times. You may call the stated telephone number or call our head office if no one is present on site.

For loading and unloading at the location at Sinaedawei 10A, the following applies: trucks can turn 400 metres after the entrance to the shipping area. We advise trucks to turn and subsequently reverse into the entrance to the warehouse.